Saturday 14 February 2009

The Evening Magazine

Judging by the fact that it's early evening on 14TH February, and I'm writing up a blog post, you should have some indication as to my relationship status. And if you're reading this on said date, you're probably in the same position. I'll attempt to make this worth both our whiles.

Interestingly, Evening Magazine (founded by ex-BC Camplight man, David Disbrow) pushed forward the release date of their E.P., The Ride Across Lake Constance, from 26TH January, to sometime earlier in the month. I can only assume that demand was so high there were worries of rife copyright infringement. That's understandable, as this 'Philadelphian' nine-piece where pretty much the soundtrack to my December; a calming, delicate alternative to the frenzied activity of participating in a family Christmas. In making The Ride Across Lake Constance, Evening Magazine have made a genuinely accomplished record. While the diversity of sounds and instrumentation recalls the rich music of Arcade Fire, the sparse, understated production distances their music sufficiently from their northern friends. Buy the E.P. HERE.

MP3: Evening Standard - 18 Wheels DOWNLOAD

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